Gone Country!

Lubbu | The Digital Nomad
6 min readJul 25, 2021


Hi! I hope you are happy and healthy.

Tourists still aren’t allowed into Nepal. The Blue Meanies still have the live music and restaurants cut off. But stores are now legally open during the daytime. Folks are out on the streets again. There are trickles of traveling in-country Natives and Ex-pats coming to the lake.

I came here for live music months ago and haven’t gotten to hear any yet! I listen to a lot of my own picks on YouTube as well as following the fantastic “DJ Mustapha” show there. The DJ (a friend and kick ass drummer from Vermont) and I have similar tastes. We both go pretty deeply into rock ’n’ roll, jazz, and the blues.

But I have lived for decades in very rural areas throughout America where all my friends were big country music fans. With great gratitude and nostalgia for the country music loving people that were so very kind to me, I have written a couple of country tunes in their honor.

I can write some decent rock’n roll lyrics and have even done a collection of positively oriented hip-hop songs that, I am told, aren’t bad. But in writing these country music lyrics, I may have erased the thin line between silly and stupid. The first song is well-intended but a little silly. The second is a little more of a flat-out stupid and exaggerated comic-book-style of country music comedy. I hope you get a good laugh out of them anyway.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for clicking the backlinks.

Be well. Love, Tenzin

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You Can Only Die Once in a While, You Can Only Die Once at a Time — a happy country/western song

You can only die once in a while

You can only die once at a time

What I mean here my friend,

Is that when you reach an end

You can find new beginnings sublime

You feel like you’re hangin’ at the end of your rope

With lovers, or money, or the wrong kind of dope

But there’s really nothing that you cannot fix

If you just learn to use these two little tricks

You can only die once at a time (and in a while)

When your sad life explodes in your face

And you are alone and in total disgrace

Show yourself you’ve got style

It won’t hurt more to smile

You can only die once in a while (and at a time)

You may think it’s not worth the trouble no more

Death knocks and you want to open the door

The heat that you’ve taken has you burnt to the core

And it ain’t worth the effort to get up off the floooooor

Buuuuut Reee-memmm-berrrrr

You can only die once at a time

You can only die once in a while

If you stay in the fight, it will turn out alright

And you’ll soon have big reasons to smile


you can only die once in a while (and at a time)

Yew Jus’ Canned Dew Nuthin Aboud Tit

A way, way backwoods yahooin’ hillbilly comic book style country tune. It’s open mike night at the trailer park so you better send the teenage girls off to Gramma’s house right quick. Lock up the medicine and gun cabinets before the gravy-sweatin’ cousins get here!

You just can’t do nuthin about it,

no you can’t do nuthin at all

Your kids are half crazed,

your wife’s always dazed

And you’re so drunk you piss in the hall

No you can’t do nuthin at all

Well you just can’t do nuthin aboudtit,

So you might’s well go have you some fun

What the heck, you redneck,

go and shuffle your deck

Just remember to lock up the gun

Go get neked and lay in the sun


You ain’t got the dime to take the trolley to town

You’re pissin clear, the tap water is brown

Half your life’s spent lookin up from the ground

Your friends all agree (though they’re never around)

That yew jus canned dew nuthin aboud tit,

no you can’t do a damn thing at all

Life’s dealt you these cards,

and though it may be hard

You still have to answer the call

Got to get up just so you can fall

Sometimes I just set here a laughin,

‘bout the good times and bad times and such

I don’t really care

if Miss Perfect ain’t there,

I can always find somethin to touch

while I’m watching ol’ Starsky and Hutch

Gonna laugh, sing, and dance at my funeral,

although I will not really be there

“Can’t do nothin’ about it”

Yes, my gravestone will shout it.

Buried naked with my butt in the air

just for mourners to kiss if they dare!

About the Author

Doug Ten Rose has hitchhiked around America for 40 years, encountering Tibetan Lamas, Native American wise people, Senators, Governors, Junkies, Winos, Hookers, Rock stars, An all-lesbian rock band playing a concert for the deaf, The modern-day Robin Hood And a whole lot more…

These and many other amazing characters are described in Fearless Puppy on American Road.

“Ten” was also rescued and adopted by a temple full of Monks and Nuns in Southeast Asia. He stayed there for a half-year, although not studying Buddhism (certainly not in any conventional sense!).

Read more about that in his second offering: Reincarnation Through Common Sense.

Many thanks to our wonderful friends at Pema Boutique Hotel for their help and support.

The books Fearless Puppy On American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense by this same author are also available through Amazon or the Fearless Puppy website, where there are sample chapters from those books. Entertaining TV/radio interviews with and newspaper articles about the author are also available there. There is no charge for anything but the complete books! All author profits from book sales will be donated to help sponsor an increase in the number of wisdom professionals on Earth, beginning with but certainly not limited to Buddhist monks and nuns.

If you missed the Introduction to the new book that will be titled Temple Dog Soldier, or would like to see several chapters of it that are available for free online, go to the Puppy website Blog section. This is a book in progress. You will be reading it as it is being created! Just like you, I don’t know what the next chapter is going to be about until it is written. As the Intro will tell you, this is a totally true story — and probably the only book ever written by and about a corpse journeying completely around the world!



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